A new way of urban living

Our vision is to form a new way of urban living, communication and co-creation based on embedded systems and interdependence.
Creating, running and optimizing smart city solutions is a fundamental task to ensure life standards of a global growing population with a high demand for resources and a list of urban challenges. We enhance the quality, performance and interactivity of urban services. In this context information and communication technologies (ICT), as part of the digital transformation, play a central role, but well thought out long-term solutions and a deep understanding of interconnected processes in eco-systems are the key to success.
Often organizations and companies hesitate to take actions in this field due to the complexity of the topic and the amount of new interconnected and uncertain technologies and interfaces. Investments seem to be a high-risk undertaking, results unsure. At Greenbox we believe that everything should start small, in a controlled testing environment with a minimum investment before you make it part of your daily operations.
We also believe that technology driven eco-systems need to be tested in a real-life environment with human interaction. As part of the Greenbox smart city process we are creating innovation hubs, micro scale prototype spaces and project testing sites, as a starting point for possible scale-up operations focusing on circular economy, sector coupling and sustainability. These first stage projects are not only important for learning processes and tech adaptation processes but furthermore for the creation of valuable communication content for your corporate communication.
Products and Services
Smart urban co-creation hubs
As part of our property development strategy, Greenbox is specialized in turning temporary unused urban spaces into co-creation hubs. We create a value add for the property owner, establish an attractive work and living environment for the users and at the same time install sustainable, vivid stage one ecosystems into urban areas. Creating these high reputation hubs requires not only fundamental infrastructure planning, service and operation capabilities but also the ability to manage the communication with all stakeholders, a network to build true communities in a short time and the resources to pre-finance the first development phase. For all these requirements Greenbox is the first choice. Our unique approach combines the quick understanding of the specific opportunity and challenge, an international network of technology partners and the competence to implement forward thinking, sustainable and flexible Smart City solutions.
Please contact us if you are an owner of a promising city location and you are looking for the right solution partner. We would be happy to understand your vision and to analyze the potential of your property.
We built InfraLab in Berlin on the EUREF Innovation Campus as a co-creation and tech development space for environmental and sustainable start-up projects for renowned German infrastructure companies: BVG, Vattenfall, Stromnetz Berlin, Berliner Wasserbetriebe, Netzgesellschaft Berlin Brandenburg, BSR, GASAG. Since 2017 InfraLab successfully launched and supported various projects with big impact such as SirPlus or Klimamacher.

Dr. Hendrik Haenecke (BVG), Thomas Schäfer (Stromnetz Berlin) © Pedro Becerra
Use Cases
Event production IEIC 2018
In 2018 Greenbox held the prestigious startup event IEIC 2018 (2nd Innovation & Entrepreneurship International Competition Shenzhen, China) on behalf of the Chinese government in Shenzhen with the aim to find high potential tech startups in Europe.
The competition categories included: internet & IT, electronic science & technology, biology and life science & technology, advanced manufacturing, material & energy (including conservation and environmental protection), internet of things (IoT), artificial intelligence (AI) and anti-cancer technology.
The event took place simoultanously in Berlin and Munich. In order to handle the required data needs for this project Greenbox created Greenbase a tech profiling and evaluation platform.
If you are thinking about outsourcing the production of your events in parts or entirely please contact us.